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These artefacts are expressions from a group of UCL students enrolled in the UCL Creativity & Education module led by Dr. Julia Jeanes. These artefacts explored the multifaceted aspects of 'creativity' and the personal interpretation of 'creativity' from each and every student from the module. 

BA Education Studies – Creativity and Education Module  

(IOE, UCL – Department of Education, Practice and Society) 


"The aim of the BA Education Studies - Creativity and Education module is to introduce students to the key themes, theories and debates in the interdisciplinary research on creativity (e.g. anthropology, psychology and sociology of creativity). It considers the extent to which creativity can be taught/ learned as well as exploring the manifestations of creativity in different domains such as science, the arts and everyday life. 


Assessment for the module is a small-scale research project. To provide students with a deeper understanding of the module readings and to support the module assessment, we asked the group this year to collectively create an artefact, a series of visual images or a blog that imaginatively expresses their personal interpretations of the module literature. 


The Autumn term 2021 for many students and staff, with hybrid teaching, requirements to self-isolate and for some delays in returning to the UK, was a real challenge. We do hope that students found project-based learning enjoyable and helpful when returning to the classroom on campus, to engage with the module readings and each other."


Dr Julia Jeanes (Module Leader, Lecturer in Education (Teaching), Co-Director - Centre for Post 14 Education and Work at Institute of Education, UCL Department of Education, Practice and Society)


flower & face mask
ARTISTS: Shijia, Yuejia, Yiran, Jingyi

"From this experience, we learnt that although we may be creative, we are not particularly artistic. Even though we had ideas on what to do for our presentation, none of us had the artistic skill for it to come together how we planned it to. It was challenging to find time to come together, because of other commitments and limited time. However, from this experience, we learnt that even if we do have the ideas, they may not necessarily come out the way that we want them to."
Screenshot 2022-01-19 at 2.24_edited.jpg
Ocean pollution Artefacts
ARTISTS: Rachel, Keru, Rukia, Alice 

"Inspired by the Adidas' collection of garbage from the ocean into new products—shoes, we thought that mini C creativity could benefit society as a whole, which is creativity for social good, as mentioned earlier. We made our project by collecting non-recyclable garbage that can cause ocean pollution as you can see, it's a fish-shaped model with a polluted body that turns purple. Its body is made of cardboard from a shoebox and its mouth is plugged with a plastic bottle filled with garbage: mainly plastic packaging. The theme we want to express is that ocean pollution human made will cause the extinction of other creatures, and the purpose is to warn people to recycle garbage to protect the environment.

My view is that creativity is inherent in all people. But creativity needs something special to stimulate, and it also needs continuous thinking, imagination and practice to improve. In fact, we can do artifacts and crafts like this in elementary school because our teachers often gave us similar assignments and gave us the opportunity to think. But growing up in an environment where learning is the main focus of compulsory classes, our creativity is hidden when our imagination is limited. When we start thinking and imagining again, like in the process of doing this collaborative work, our inner creativity will be stimulated in the process. At the same time, even though our creativity may not have as big a repercussion as creative genius, we can make a small contribution to society in a subtle way."
archive of creative genius and their storieS
ARTISTS: Yixin, Yunsu, Mengci, Yihan

This piece of artefact analyzed creative genius with Glăveanu’s (2013) Five A’s Framework of Creativity — Actor, Action, Affordances, Artifact, Audience. Click the below photo to view the full slide.
ARTISTS: Taiga, Coco, Aiko, Mahfuza

"When it comes to asking whether a person is creative, does this concern solely the traits of the individual or a result of everything and everyone around the individaul? How were conclusion made? What do you think? Based on our artwork, what do you think our stance is? Hints: pay attention to the presentation, texture, colours and images used."

The images below show the two sides of the one united piece of artwork from different angles

Folded Female (1).png
Folded Male (1).png
ARTISTS: - Angelina, Dain, Ilaera, Tarek

"Inspired by the diverse forms of creativity and mediums through which it can be expressed
within, the idea of creating a multilayered artefact as our collaborative creative outcome
appealed to us. We collectively agreed that we wanted to create a project where many forms of
creativity were visible and used the Matryoshka dolls as our main source of inspiration.
Matryoshka dolls are symbolic Russian dolls that open up to reveal smaller sets of other dolls.
We thought we could link the concept of opening up an item for it only to reveal another item to
this project by using boxes of different sizes and putting one box inside the other. The boxes
represent creativity in social, ubiquitous and democratic manifestations whilst also highlighting
the ways in which they are exhibited in everyday life such as through social media, art,
education, medical advances and social movements. The origami artefact at the center of the
boxes not only showcases our group collaboration by playing on each other's strengths and
skills, but also symbolises how all of these forms of creativity are interlinked with each other."
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